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Rectal Administration of Valium

Lynn Johnston

Valium (Diazepam) is a benzodiazepine. Valium works in the brain stopping

excess electrical firing of brain cells or seizure activity.

Benzodiazepines increases the

activity of GABA. GABA is a neuro transmitter in the brain that helps the nerves to relax. More GABA can help stop a seizure.

Rectal administration of Valium (Diazepam) is an example of a rescue medication.

Liquid Valium or Diastat comes in an emegency kit. The kit contains a syringe containing Valium designed to be administered rectally. Diastat is a rescue medication for a refractory seizure. You must know exactly under what circumstances the medication is to be given. Typically, rescue medication is needed when the seizure lasts longer then usual, when there is more than one seizure, or the seizure seems to worsen. The medication must be administered according to the doctors order. If the client has a seizure action plan - know the plan and follow the plan!

This post is for general information. Always follow the directions provided by the healthcare provider or pharmacist. If you have questions - always ask your supervisor!!


Follow the 8 rights of medication administration. Know the right dose. The injector will come with the correct dose locked in place - You will see a green band on the applicator


Move client to a side-lying position with the upper leg forward so the rectum is exposed. Provide as much privacy as possible using a blanket, coat, or pillow case.

Prepare the medication by pushing up on the cap with your thumb and pull to remove the cap from the syringe. Open the package of lubricant. Lubricate the tip by inserting it in the jelly.

Administer the medication using a non-dominant hand to separate the buttocks to expose the rectum.

Using the dominant hand, gently insert the syringe into the rectum until the rim is snug against the rectal opening

Push the plunger in slowly counting to three until the plunger stops.

Hold the syringe in place after inserting the medication and count to three.

Remove the syringe from rectum. Immediately hold the buttocks together and count to three again to help prevent the medication from leaking out.


Continue to monitor. Keep the person on their side facing you, note time the medication was given and continue to monitor. Call 911 if indicated. Monitor for seizure activity, pulse and respirations. Do not restrain a person having a seizure and do not put anything in their mouth.

Follow the Manufacturers directions - see below for a handout on diastat.

Also check out Seizure Action PLans at

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