Written by Janet Mitchell, R.N., B.S.N., H.S.S.A. Nursing Instructor
Maine is a State with one of the largest elder populations and one of the lowest
rates of new healthcare professionals joining the ranks.
This imbalance is being felt heavily in the Long Term Care industry. The COVID-19 Pandemic has made our elders a vulnerable target and a population that is even more in need of healthcare. Politicians, scholars and business leaders have pondered how to attract more people to the healing professions to combat the staffing shortages.
Work ethic is one of the most effective weapons that healthcare has to wage against the staffing challenges that we are seeing.
We can do more with less if we all have the mindset that an ethic of work is as important as a paycheck. In Long Term Care we serve a population of people who knew what a hard day of work was. We serve the farmer, the policeman, the soldier, the homemaker, the teacher and the banker. We also serve those whose days were without work, a home, a family or dreams. Our elders went to work unless they couldn’t, as sick days were a luxury in their time. Our elders did not squander what they had, whether time or money, because they understood that there was not always much of either. Our elders had a work ethic and the work got done.
Sometimes the work of our history needed to be done as a team.
Teamwork is as necessary a part of getting the work done today. Like work ethic, teamwork
if another tool that will help those of us in healthcare overcome our staffing shortages. I recall hearing from my elders, “many hands make light work”. As our need for Health care professionals grows beyond the growth of those helpers, we will need to team up to care for those who have earned it. The work may not be light but with many hands, it will get done, together.
The hands of those we care for tell a story of the work that they have done and the hands that they have held
Caring for these people, when staffing is challenging, requires a mindset of gratitude. The 90 year old veteran with the toothless grin, the sweet little lady with the potty mouth, or the lanky gentleman with the gleam in his eye as he winks at you, all are gifts that others may not
experience. There is no sugar coating that these are difficult jobs, taking care of people. The pay-off comes in knowing these precious souls were touched by you. Gratitude in knowing you made a difference is a mighty-fine rate of pay.
Thank you for being a Healthcare Hero
Battling the staffing shortages in healthcare is going to require some very creative thinking. Before the creativity begins, we have to embrace our opportunity to support our LTC facilities, staff and residents. We do this by celebrating work ethic, teamwork and gratitude.